Athens Justice Center Siting Study
4PM / CDP Real Estate Specialists & Developers
David Gjertson – Co-Project Manager
The subject property is stretched over two parcels at Dougherty Street and College Avenue in Athens, Georgia. Client requested professional land planning services to study the combined sites as Government Office, Parking Decks, and Courthouse. The project goal was to provide three variations for consolidation of Athens/Dougherty County Justice Center, Dougherty County Public Safety Building, shared parking garage, commercial/office space and public plaza & streetscape. This study to evaluate the site’s overall utilization capacity and development potential while considering the applicable City and County ordinances.
Evaluation factors included:
Building orientation and footprint.
Impervious cover.
Relationship to other parcels.
Parking, service and loading requirements.
Set back requirements.
Roadway and driveway patterns.
Water quality/detention location.
Site and project amenities.